LEAP Our purpose at LEAP is to provide safe and healing Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) and Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) for individuals and groups, and to provide high quality, professional training to enable our Practitioners to create ethical, safe and healing client experiences.
The Federation of Horses in Education & Therapy International
Adventures In Awareness - With Barbara Rector
Measuring the Emotional Bond between Horses and Humans
(Posted: 3:08 pm, January 21, 2014 by Posted by Habitat for Horses)
How we relate to each other, horses, humans, and other animals, scientists are learning is far more complex than what we perceive with our senses and memory alone. Perhaps horses can help emotional therapy sessions better than biofeedback machines of yore. ~ HfH
From: The Horse Connection By: Kip Mistral
Bodily awareness and trauma -
Interoception? "Interoception is a sense that provides information about the internal condition of our body" read more
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